RT4D is looking for individuals and organisations with demonstrated technical and subject matter expertise and experience in one or more areas within the scope of AISP RISP, TGEI and/or GEDSI support.
We are currently seeking an experienced Infrastructure Risk Adviser to shape safe, strategic infrastructure projects in the Pacific. Apply your expertise to drive impactful risk management and enable better outcomes.
Contribute to a world where people, communities and the planet thrive.
Tetra Tech International Development is a leading development consulting firm working with government, businesses, and NGOs to solve complex development challenges in the Indo-Pacific region. For more information please visit our website .
The opportunity
- Short term adviser (STA) role engaged via a consultancy agreement with variable inputs (approximately 2 days a month)
- Potential for travel to partner countries
- Until 30 June 2025, with the option to extend for an additional 12 months
RFQ - Consultancy Services – Core Tax Administration System (CTAS) Security Assessment
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Location: Jakarta, Indonesia
Location: Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi); Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (Banda Aceh, Takengon); Nusa Tenggara Barat (Mataram, Bima, Lombok); Nusa Tenggara Timur (Kupang); Kalimantan Utara (Tanjung Selor, Tarakan); Gorontalo, Maluku (Ambo
We are looking for a Communications Coordinator to create and curate content for the Australia Awards in Indonesia (AAI) program including for the AAI website and multiple social media platforms.
PROSIVU is seeking a qualified Consultant (the “adviser”/consultant) to assist Timor-Leste’s Ministry of Finance (MoF) and other contracted consultants in supporting improved analytical capabilities within the MoF.
Tetra Tech International Development, the Managing Contractor for the Australia Awards Papua New Guinea (AAPNG) is seeking Service Providers to tender for the design and delivery of the Graduate Certificate in Mental Health short course. Tenders are sought in accordance with the AAPNG Short Course Guidelines and as per the details more fully described in this Request for Tender (RFT) documentation. Details of the course are included in Part B – Scope of Services.
To tender to design and deliver this course the Service Provider must be a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in Australia, or an Australian tertiary institution as defined in the Higher Education Support Act, 2003 Table A, B and C.
AAPNG will exclude a Service Provider on the grounds of bankruptcy, insolvency, false declarations, or significant deficiencies in performance of any substantive requirement or obligation under a prior contract with Tetra Tech International Development or AAPNG.
Invitation Issue Date: Monday 26 August 2024
Last Queries Date (South Australian Time): Monday 2 September 2024 at 5:00pm (AEDST)
Closing Date and Time (South Australian Time): Friday 20 September 2024 at 5:00pm (AEDST)
We are seeking a highly organised and detail-oriented Administration and Finance Officer to join our Suva, Fiji team.
About the program: GREAT is an innovative, market-oriented program funded by the Australian Government and working in Son La and Lao Cai provinces in northwest Vietnam. The program works with innovative and forward-thinking commercial businesses, as well as government partners, to identify and unlock economic opportunities for ethnic minority women producers and entrepreneurs.
A strategic opportunity for the right business partner
The objective of the GREAT program is to work with one or more sector partners to test, develop and operationalise innovative business ideas that seek to transform the medicinal plant commodity sectors from low value conventional production toward GACP-WHO compliance to access potential markets in Son La and Lao Cai and open up mutual opportunities for ethnic minority women producers and pharmaceutical industry business investors. This is an ambitious agenda that seeks to build strong and effective partnerships between sector leaders and ethnic minority women suppliers and requires both innovation and a commitment to the medicinal plant commodity sector in northwest of Vietnam.
The GREAT program is seeking to support business initiative and innovation and would like to hear from those willing and able to try new ways of working with small scale producers and cooperatives and who are prepared to invest in successful models to develop the medicinal plant commodity sector in northwest Vietnam. The right business partner(s) will have the following expertise and interests:
- A track record in the production, supply and/or manufacture of medicinal plant products from northwest Vietnam
- Extensive knowledge, know-how and networks in the medicinal plant commodities sector and supply chains in Vietnam, particularly the northwest
- A track record of working with ethnic minority producers and cooperatives and/or in the development and support of supply chains characterised by large numbers of small scale producers
- Feasible business plans (under implementation or to be implemented) that seek to develop the GACP-WHO medicinal plants production areas Son La and/or Lao Cai
- Willingness and capacity to co-invest in supply chain development and production support
If the above applies to you or your organisation, then GREAT would welcome your Expression of Interest:
Your commitment: partnering with GREAT, provincial stakeholders and ethnic minority producer communities, particularly women, to pilot solutions for the development of the medicinal plant commodities sector in northwest Vietnam, including co-investing in the form of expertise, resources and finance.
GREAT’s commitment: supporting selected partners with critical resources including technical expertise and co-financing mobilise producers, build production and semi-processing capability and develop mutually beneficial production and off-take arrangements to drive quality, growth and resilience in the sector.