Program Background
Partnerships for Infrastructure (P4I) is the Australian Government’s flagship infrastructure initiative for Southeast Asia. It partners with Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to foster inclusive growth through sustainable economic infrastructure (i.e. transport, energy, telecommunications, and utilities).
Delivered through a single team, the initiative is led by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in collaboration with EY, Adam Smith International, The Asia Foundation and Ninti One. The Program’s Head Office is in Bangkok.
P4I focuses on infrastructure prioritisation and planning, policy and regulation, and procurement and project preparation (P4I does not finance the delivery of infrastructure). All services aim to address gender equality and social inclusion, and disaster risk reduction and climate change issues. P4I can respond to rapid requests, but ultimately aims to develop longer-term infrastructure engagement.